We want to focus on keeping students engaged throughout
class and meaningful discussion helps to accomplish this but how do you ensure
that all students are a part of the discussion? These are just a few examples
of things I have tried to keep all students in the class engaged in a
of the Round Table”
At the
beginning of the block each student receives a note card with a shape, a color,
and a number. They then need to come up with five-six discussion questions on
the topic (this works well with novels, poems, and short stories but I am sure
you could use it in other disciplines besides English). We also discuss that
they need to be questions that apply, analyze, or evaluate. The students are
then grouped three different times where they discuss the questions they came
up with on their note card.
The student asks the question and then they progress around
the table sharing their responses. The catch is they can’t just agree with what
one of their peers said, they must add to the discussion. The student who asks
the question must also answer the question. This usually ensures they will ask
something worth discussing in their minds. The next student will then ask their
question and it follows the pattern of before until each student has had their
question discussed.
Although the student will only use three questions having
five-six prepared allows for plenty of other options to ask if someone steals
their question or there are duplicate questions.
After one round of discussion we will come together as a
class and share insights that each group discovered before rotating to our next
Knights of the Round Table. The different shapes, colors, and numbers will mix
up the students so most will not be with the same person for each discussion.
Below is a short example of some students discussing 1984.
3 to 5:
Have a list of the students in your class with you
throughout the block and check off when they participate. You have questions, quotes, ideas, points, etc.
prepared to begin the discussion and
then they will take over. Each student will need to chime in three to five
times during the discussion. I will tell
students when we are doing this activity and they actually seem to enjoy it.
find it is helpful because everyone has to participate at least three times and
those students who have a tendency to dominate the conversation have to limit
their input (you may only speak up five times maximum) adding variety to the
It tends to make discussions more meaningful as students are
careful about what they share and when they speak up. It is also a great way to
ensure they are listening and learning from one another as their comments
cannot be repeat ideas but can be responses to a peer’s participation. I’ve
learned a lot from the students through these discussions.
Try it and see what you can learn…