Monday, November 19, 2012

Exit Tickets

11/19/2012  USE AN "EXIT TICKET"

One year ago when talking shop with a grade school teacher, he kept referring to his "exit tickets" in his classroom. When I asked him what one what, he was shocked that I didn't already know, because he figured all teachers (he was TFA so you can't blame him) knew about them. In case you haven't heard either:

Simply put, an exit ticket is what is says - your ticket to get you out of the room. You tell the students ahead of time what you are going to cover, and that there will be a quiz immediately afterwards. The quiz (exit ticket) is very short - easy to finish and even easier to grade. The information however, is extremely useful. You can get a really good idea of things like how well you covered the material and who needs extra attention. Read more about implementing exit tickets here, and see some good examples here.

At the high school level, it can also be advantageous to say "no one leaves until they get 100%" and then the first few to get perfect scores are your "checkers". Once you and your checkers have checked everybody, and all the mistakes have been fixed, they're set to exit. This is win win because a) problems can be fixed immediately on their part and b) you still get to see who needs more attention and who doesn't.

This week (if you have school this week) try and do one exit ticket. Or, do six of them. The point is that you're experimenting for the sake of improvement so get after it and see what you can learn.

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